Nucleic Exploitation of Plant Alkaloids by way of sociopathic capitalist appropriation....
Wealth poisoned, Soul destroyed children on Wellbutrin/Fentanyl/Methamphetamine/Alcohol/Porn/Gambling/Sex___<list yer fix here) seek meaning in isolated molecules(castrated from source Plants) that have been obfuscated, manipulated, & poisoned by Plutocracy.....
Nucleic Exploitation of Plant Alkaloids by way of sociopathic capitalist appropriation....
Wealth poisoned, Soul destroyed children on Wellbutrin/Fentanyl/Methamphetamine/Alcohol/Porn/Gambling/Sex___<list yer fix here) seek meaning in isolated molecules(castrated from source Plants) that have been obfuscated, manipulated, & poisoned by Plutocracy.....